Sunday, October 14, 2007

Myths About Resistance Training...and the Truth!

Is repetition the key to developing lean muscle successfully and becoming more tone?

Many clients ask me how many repetitions of each exercise they will need to do in order for them to start seeing results. I first explain that in order to see the underlying layers of muscle they need to begin by diminishing the layers of fat that cover up their underlying six packs! Yes, we all have them. But it is only the most disciplined of us that actually ever see them. I would have to say that for most it is their diet/nutrition that keeps them from ever obtaining the body of their dreams. It is a constant struggle. I tell my clients that it is 85% nutrition not 85% exercise that will take them to where they want to go! With all of that said, no you can not turn fat into muscle! I wish! Could you imagine for a minute- going to the gym and not worrying about what you ingest for your diet and just in a couple of weeks or months being rock solid. Wake up! It's not going to happen and never will with that mind set. The truth is that eating properly and exercising regularly will get you going in the right direction. You just can not have one with out the other!

The truth...
Yes, repetition of resistance training will develop more lean muscle growth. (You will not need to worry about looking like Sheena Warrior Princess.) Lifting between 8-15 reps will be enough to stimulate the growth of lean muscle. This is one of the most efficient ways to grow the lean muscle because of the increased volume of work you subject your body to with this "repetition method."

By adding two to four sets of those repetitions you will add additional muscle mass! Ladies, do not sweat it- It is utterly impossible for you to accommodate as much muscle as a man (unless you are ingesting some sort of illegal substance), you just were not born with it! No, you will not look like Arnold. I promise you. You will however, develop the lean muscle that is necessary for you to increase your metabolism, and that will give you the definition you have been forever searching for at the gym. After you have reached this pinnacle of your training you can prepare yourself for a more aggressive training program.

As always...please email me with any questions of comments and visit my website at

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