Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What Purpose Does Protein Serve in Your Weight Gain Diet...

Protein is necessary for metabolic function, it helps our immune system to fight diseases and with other bodily processes. Protein is necessary for our bodies to produce and stimulate the growth of hair, finger nails, skin, cartilage, muscles and bones. Children need protein to aid in there growth; while adults need protein to build, replace and repair tissues/muscle fiber. Protein can be found in many food sources and supplements such as, meat (animal protein), eggs, beans, grains, dairy products, soy based products and in mixes/drinks and bars (protein powders, etc.). Although protein helps your metabolism, it should not be avoided in your diet for weight gain. A more reasonable approach to changing or maintaining any healthy life style and healthy weight is to consume a balanced mix of the food groups . Always, keeping in mind that, "too much of anything, is not a good thing!"

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